During the
separation of India in 1947 into two states i.e.
Pakistan and India this patch of land (Dohogram-Angorpota)
became the part of Pakistan (East Pakistan). That
is today, under the District of Lalmonirhat in
Patgram Upzilla in Bangladesh.
The separation was
planned and the British authority authorized by
the monarchy drew the borderline.
Without any
consideration of practicability, the borderline
was drawn in such a way that this part of
Bangladesh (Dohogram and Angorpota) was completely
surrounded by the Mekligong subdvision of
Kuchbihar District of India.
The man-made
prison was made for the innocent people. The
people of Dohogram and Angorpota are suffering and
living in the prison since then!
The people of
Dohogram and Angorpota have declared and observed
the 26th June as the PRISONERS FREEDOM DAY. They
want freedom and want to live as a free human
being. They want JUSTICE FOR THE CRIME done
against them.
Still today
they are suffering from the UNJUSTIFIED PRISON
SENTENCE which was forced upon them by the then
British ruler.
The first time
the people of Dohogram and Angorpota were able to
come through a corridor every alternative hour
during the day. The remaining 18 hours they were
not allowed to come to their own motherland. They
were forced to live in a prison-land. Until 1992
the situation continued. So, lived an inhuman life
and remain in the prison for 6 long years.
Even today, the
people of Dohogram and Angorpota can come to the
main land, their motherland Bangladesh, only for
12 hours in a day! Thus, they are forced to live
in a confined territory like a prisoner 12 hours a
day, 15 days in a month and six months a year!
So, please come forward and
inform others in any part of the world to join the
movement and SAY LOUDLY: