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  Welcome to Dohogram-Angorpota website. Join us to help those people.
Enclaves in Bangladesh-India border area.
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Articles about Dohogram in
pdf format.

August 09,03

Other articles in Bengali in .pdf.

July 13,03
June 06,03
June 29,03

People of Dohogram-Angorpota are crying!

Dohogram-Angorpota is a Bangladeshi enclave surrounded by India

15,000 Bangladeshi citizens are in PRISON for NO CRIME

We are a few Bangladeshies living in Europe and working in various professions trying to organize an Internet base forum to advance the cause of the sufferings of people in Dohogram (Angorpota) and other enclaves in Bangladesh.

Our aim is to put forward this issue to various human rights organizations of the UN (United Nations) and also of the EU (European Union). 

We will do our best to inform the case to world population and different forums. If we get enough encouragement we may also appeal to courts of justice and claim for compensation for the suffering of those people for no crime.

  1. History
  2. People and their life
  3. Suffering and pain caused due to their prison life.
  4. Information about any evidence.
  5. Any information that may help their cause.
  6. Ready projects. We help to find financier.
Please send information by e-mail attachment to

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