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Enclaves in Bangladesh-India border area.
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August 09,03

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July 13,03
June 06,03
June 29,03

People of Dohogram-Angorpota are crying!

Dohogram-Angorpota is a Bangladeshi enclave surrounded by India

15,000 Bangladeshi citizens are in PRISON for NO CRIME

Map of Bangladesh

Key Data

Region: Asia

Official Name: The People's Republic Of Bangladesh

Location: Latitude between 20°34' and 26°39' north, longitude between 88°00' and 92°41' east

Boundary: Bounded by India from the north, east and west and by the Bay of Bengal and Burma from the south

Population: 129,194,224 (July 2000 est. Estimate)

Area Total: 144,000 sq. km

Area Land: 133,910 sq. km

Coast Line: 580 km

Capital: Dhaka

Climate: Tropical; cool, dry winter (October to March); hot, humid summer (March to June); cool, rainy monsoon (June to October).

Languages: Bangla (official), English

National Days: National Martyrs Day - February 21, Independence Day - March 26, Victory Day - December 16

Capital: Dhaka

Average Daily Temperature

January: 19°C / 66°F

July: 28.9°C / 84°F

Annual Rainfall: 2057.4mm / 81"

Principal Rivers: Padma, Meghna, Jamuna, Brahmaputra, Madhumati, Surma and Kushiara

Principal Crops: Jute, rice, tobacco, tea, sugarcane, vegetables, potato, pulses, etc.

Important Fruits: Mango, banana, pineapple, jack-fruit, water-melon, green coconut, guava, licis, etc.

Major Industries: Jute, sugar, paper, textiles, fertilizers, cigeratte, cement, steel, natural gas, oil-refinery, newsprint, power generation, rayon, matches, fishing and food processing, leather, soap, carpet, timber, ship-building, telephone, etc.

Sea Ports: Chittagong and Mongla

Airports: Zia International Airport, Dhaka, Chittagong International Airport, Sylhet International Airport and domestic airports at Jessore, Sylhet, Cox's Bazar, Rajshahi and Saidpur

Electricity: 220 Volts A.C. in all cities and towns

Tourist Seasons: October to March

Main Tourist Attractions: Colorful tribal life, longest sea beach, centuries' old archeological sites, home of the Royal Bengal Tiger, largest tea gardens, interesting riverine life, etc.

Wearing Apparel: Tropical in summer, and light-woolen in winter

Currency: The unit of currency is the Taka. Notes are in denominations of 1,2,5,10,20,50,100 and 500 Taka. Coins are 1,5,10,25,50 and 100 Paisa (100 Paisa = 1 Taka)

  1. History
  2. People and their life
  3. Suffering and pain caused due to their prison life.
  4. Information about any evidence.
  5. Any information that may help their cause.
  6. Ready projects. We help to find financier.
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